Poems about Ageing

Poems about ageing by Sri Chinmoy


Hope does not surrender to
Old age.
Hope is always ready
To inspire and energise human beings
Irrespective of age.

Sri Chinmoy (1)

You may not be able to prevent
Your body
From getting old,
But you can certainly prevent
Your heart
From becoming impure.

Sri Chinmoy (2)

May I not receive
Old age
When it arrives for me.

Sri Chinmoy (3)

Incredible news:
My mind is getting tremendous joy
In unlearning its old lessons
Unburdening its old problems.

Sri Chinmoy (4)


“They say that old age is an unavoidable, incurable and unpardonable disease. I think it is true. But what I feel infinitely more true is that there is and there can be no such thing as old age when one wants to live the life of aspiration. For God the eternal Child abides and grows eternally in the heart of human aspiration.”

Sri Chinmoy (5)



(1) Excerpt from Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 206 by Sri Chinmoy

(2) Excerpt from Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 68 by Sri Chinmoy

(3) Excerpt from Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 184 by Sri Chinmoy

(4) Excerpt from O My Aspiration-Heart, Where Are You? by Sri Chinmoy

(5) Excerpt from Arise! Awake! Thoughts Of A Yogi by Sri Chinmoy